Meet Boy Square Root: The Math Genius

Smiley World

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Few people can appreciate the Math subject, others say the Math it gives them a lot of headaches especially in Square Roots in our high school days.

Boy Square Root
Photo Credit: Chelsea Mae Luzanta


But not this kid, he answers all the questions of University of Santo Tomas or UST. He can answers all in seconds without any using paper, pen and nor Calculator. He can answer all the questions correctly.

In the 5th questions from the Students of UST when asked what the square root of 888 is, first he was confused but later he realized that it is not a perfect square, it doesn’t have a square root he said!

The questions that makes me amazed, the one of the students of UST asked about the square root of negative 1 (-1), he answered “Imaginary Number” quickly. The imaginary number is discussed when 德克萨斯扑克在线 I was in my High School days (4th year) to be specific.

After she posted a video, she also uploaded a collage with Boy Square Root his real name was Gerald from the streets of Mayamot, Rizal in Dapitan in July 25, 2014.


The video was first posted in public by Chelsea Mae Luzanta from Antipolo, Rizal, a student of UST and the one who asked to Gerald about the math problem. And he’s also a secretary of UST Commerce and Business Administration Council.

This adorable street kid is a great sample of Poverty is not a hindrance to learn anything especially in Math.

Here’s the video posted in YouTube posted in July 26, 2014.

Don’t forget to share it to your friends!

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