Good News: Finally The Long Wait Ends Now The Cure For “AIDS” Is Formulated


A certain laboratory in Philadelphia has already formulated a cure to treat the long time disease “AIDS” or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome that is derived from carnal intercourse by infected individual to another one.

Kamel Khalili, PhD, Professor and Chair of the Department of Neuroscience at Temple  noted that the cure is not ready yet in clinics but they are one step to finalize the serum intended to relieve HIV patients. He added that there long study is on the right direction proven by their new discovery and hopefully they could invent the serum immediately to save many lifes.

The serum works by helping and formulates a bacterial defense mechanism against the virus, but it is not ready yet to be applied in patients because of the treat of cellular mutations and required more study to finish the cure.

[youtube][/youtube]Meanwhile this is a good news for all not only to the HIV infected people that giving them hope to escape death, but this is not a valid reason to people out there to engage frequently in s6xual intercourse. “Prevention is better than Cure”.

Thank you for watching and have a good day!

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