This Will Happen If You Soaked The Egg In Vinegar For Two Days


I love eating eggs in the morning and I know you loved it too, but what do you think if your favorite food will be soak in the vinegar in two days. I know you are curious me too.

Watch this video to witness the results:

1. Prepare 2 empty glasses of water

2. Place the egg in one glass and pour the other glass with vinegar

3. Pour the vinegar on the egg

[youtube][/youtube]4. Continue soaking the egg in the vinegar for two days.

5. After two days get the egg out of the vinegar it maybe look disgusting but just go on with it and peel its egg shell

6. Enjoy!

I just blog this video but  I do not know the scientific explanation behind this science experiment. If you know please comment below.

The egg becomes a bouncing one and you can also light up the surface of the egg to make it more become attractive.

Thank you for watching and witness more exciting science experiments here!





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