DON’T GIVE UP on your DREAMS (Motivational Video)


Do you ever have a dream in your life? A dream that you really want, A dream that you really desire, a dream that could make you who you are, I believe we all have that dreams. But do you think that your dream could turn into reality? I know some people that they are really eager to make their dreams come true, they do all things that could turn their dreams into reality and those people who have that kind of attitude will surely be the most motivated and inspired about life but before they make their dreams come true they also have experience that almost forgot that they’re dreaming.


A dream or achievement in life is not easy, you may walk in several roads to fulfill those dreams you may be hurt many times, you may be dump, you may fall and many things that obstruct in your way in fulfilling those dreams but if you won’t give up you will receive a gift that you could ever imagine. It is a gift that is beyond your dream and it is called success.


Some of us just give up early, some give up when they’re already in the middle of their journey and almost some of us give up when they’re already there. Giving up is the number one obstacle when it comes to your dreams. It is just playing a video game if you set a difficulty in a easy way you will just finish the game fast but not much reward, but if you will put it in the hard difficulty the game would be challenging and you will experience yourself trying hard just to pass in some stages of the game, it will be a long game but it is worthy it may have the same award as the easy difficulty but there is a one difference between difficulties and it is called EXPERIENCE.


We all know that experience is one big factor that you may fulfill your dreams, so learn from your experience and don’t give up trying. Imagine that life is like a game that is been set into hard difficulties it may be hard but worthy enough. Just like your dream the more your dream is difficult to achieve the better the reward that you get. Don’t give up on your dreams follow your heart. Because God knows your capabilities and he will not leave you hanging. Believe in yourself, Believe on your dreams, Believe in God.

-Frejie Floyd Alexis

Thank you guys for watching, I hope you will not give up on your dreams, for more motivational video, Please like us on Facebook.


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