HOMELESS Man is SURPRISED because he gets a HOME!


Some of us are born rich and some of us are just part in the middle class but most of us is in the state of poverty. As we see in all nations that the count of poverty is growing and we can see in the street children everywhere we go, some beg for money, some beg for food and it is sad to say that most of them are homeless.


What if? We are one of them, what would we feel if we sleep in the streets, what could be the feeling of being hungry all day. Most of their perception of life is all about competition. If don’t have much for a day you will die in hunger, you will die nothing. Could you ever imagine? If we are their situations, in order for us to survive we have to fight for our lives just like there is no tomorrow.


But this video really captures my heart, I hope in some nations there are people like him, His name is Rahat and I really admire people like him. He really changes peoples life, he change their belief that life can change in an instant if you just believe and having faith.

I hope this video will also change the perception of people who just took for granted if they see some homeless person walking by. If you have something just give no matter more or less just give because if you’re the reason to make their day, it is really meant to be. Giving is the sign of Love.

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Have a nice day! Take care!


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