A PERFECT short film for those Father WHO TOOK FOR GRANTED their FAMILY


For those fathers who took for granted their family especially his son or daughter should really watch this inspirational video.


I know that some of us really experience to have an irresponsible father. Some of us is been rejected by their fathers and left alone with our mom and while we are growing up there will be always a mark of hate in our heart because of what we feel to have no father figure who is there to watch us on our first step.


Some fathers are not contented with our mom and they would able to find another family and this will be a one factor that some of us are not guided in the right way. Because there is hate in us that in some time we couldn’t explain where this hate is coming from. This hate will make us blind because we are ensnaring by our past.

But no matter what did your father do to you or in our family. We should always remember that a father is always our father and it is only one father in the world nobody else. Time will come that your father will realize if he is so naive about your family. If your father left us in our home, we should find him, we should not let our pride destroys our nature of loving.

Some are just confuse of what they feel just wait for the right moment and that moment is when your father realize how important our family then there will be a tear from him and that tear is a symbol that he regret all the things that he do to you/our family.

Revenge is not the answer because the perfect revenge to a father that took for granted his family is by accepting him again without any condition.



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