This Little Boy is Trying to Correct the Teacher’s Mistake, No Matter What Consequences, What He Did Makes You Proud of Him


What would you do if you know the truth but others still believe in lies? Some of us are ensnare by our system, a system that makes people blind from the truth. Our leaders nowadays is showing things that we must believe in our naked eye but only few people can fight for their rights and speak for the truth. Only few leaders today is intellectually honest, most of our leaders now will just show us things that we must do for them, in order to fulfill their hidden interest. Hypocrisy, greed, and fame is what they need to earn reputation and to be respected and fear by all people, but behind those things that they show to us, are the things which is wrong and it has the ability to make other people corrode their belief.

We are now leaded by a person who is hiding behind a mask, a person who is hiding himself behind the curtain when he speaks. Many people believed in their lies and the sad thing is some people often knows the truth but they’re just acting like a sheep because cruelty is destroying their rights by the system that we follow everyday in our life.

Blog, truth

This video is the best example of jumping of the page, if you know your rights, if know that something is really wrong with our system you should stand for it. People will laugh at you, people will judge you, people will tell you to hide because you did something wrong in their eyes but if you stand for the truth no matter what happen we should always remember that there is somebody else above who is looking at you and at always looking at the truth and that is God. If you have faith in him there is nothing to be scared at all.

We should always remember that only few people believed Noah when he said flood is coming, people laugh at him and telling that he is crazy but when the moment that flood has already came, those people’s laughter turn into tears, a tears that beg in order for them to survive. See how ironic life is? People will realize at the end, and don’t hesitate to fight for the truth because the truth is worth dying for.


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