Technology Outbreak: Meet the Boy Being The First To Be Operated With Artificial Pancreas


It is hard to believe that sometimes we faced extraordinary challenges in our life especially when we are still young and diagnosed with degenerative diseases like Diabetes, this is a non-curable disease but it can controlled but I am amazed of this people’s optimism and fighting spirit.

Now this boy named Hames Xavier is given a chance to be implanted with artificial pancreas aiming to support additional insulin to his body, he was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he is 22 months old and battling this disease for almost 4 years.

His mother takes a hard time to monitor the insulin level of her child, but this technological break through will ease their hardships.

[youtube][/youtube]I am amazed about this news and hopefully this innovation could ease the patients suffering from this incurable disease. The question is this device affordable and available in the market.

I am looking forward that this innovations is materialized in the market to save more lives, but the main key to avoid this is to have a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for watching and Have a nice day!




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