The Possible Reason’s Why You’re Girlfriend Is Texting So Much While Youre Sitting Next To Her


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I know that going into a relationship is quite sometimes complicated especially if your partner tends to focus more on texting while doing a conversation with her.

This video might help you why they tend not to focus on you instead prioritize their Smartphone to play some games or texting with her friends.

I know while watching the video you have realized that being into a relationship is a give and take process one has to step down for the sake of the other party, but this also serve a message to those in a relationship with its complicated status better think twice to make a move to avoid misunderstanding and more heartache.

[youtube][/youtube]Sometimes girls need to be understood because at first they really test the patience of the boys who intends to court them. So boys “Patience is a virtue”

Thank you for watching this video and hopefully you have learned some points to make your relationship stronger. Good Day


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