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Take A Ride On The First & Jaw Dropping Three Wheel Motorcycle


Technology is really unpredictable and amazing as one of the leading motorcycle manufacturer Yamaha introduces their new innovation called “Yamaha ...

This Truck Prank Will Make You Realize To Check Everything Before Driving


Funny moments with friends is a treasured moment, yes indeed. But what happened if you’re friend decided to pull prank ...

This Filipino Security Guard Took The Social Media On Storm As He Sings Brian Mc Knight “Back At One”


Filipino’s are already known at an international level when it comes to specific fields like boxing and singing. But would ...

You Won’t Believe That It Is Possible To Cook Scramble Eggs With Out Breaking It’s Shell


We loves eggs indeed and I think it is the easiest food to cook. If you are asked would you ...

This Guy Makes Me Laugh As He Introduces An Insane & Unique Way Of Opening Beer


We often make people laugh because of our exceptional sense of humor, pranks and sometimes funny jokes, but we cannot ...

A Touching Story: A Son Yelled Back To His Father, What His Father Do Will Surely Break You’re Heart


Our parents really provide us their full love and doing their best to give us what we need like clothes, ...

Amazing Skateboarding Skills That Will Surely Blown You Away


GOD really gifted us amazing talents and abilities and it is our decision how we used it for his glory. ...

Jaw dropping Indian Motorcycle Acrobatic Stunts That Defies The Law Of Gravity


Motorcycle are considered to be a necessary mode of transportation but what if a normal person will use this two ...

The Best Ever Illustration to Open Your Heart for Jesus


Many attempts of great effort were made by most preachers just to open the heart and mind of one sinner ...

Technology Outbreak: Meet the Boy Being The First To Be Operated With Artificial Pancreas


It is hard to believe that sometimes we faced extraordinary challenges in our life especially when we are still young ...
