Cute Little Boy’s Reaction When Goldfish “Top” Died


Kids are too cool when laughing but sometimes and somehow kids are cute when crying.

In the first part of the video the little boy was just so fine holding his dead goldfish named “Top” He kissed the fish for how many times while talking to his mom probably in the video.

When asked where would the fish go he suddenly answered”In the toilet”. He was then directed to flush the dead fish onto the toilet bowl. The boy with no hesitation did it and after a second there the cutest part of the video. He slowly broke down in tears and so much affected with the loss of his pet. There’s no word he said but “Top” only and what’s really amazing is the moment he grabbed her mom and hug her. When you see this cute little boy you would surely give him the most comforting hug.

This is the most cutest and amazing crying little boy! Watch him below!

Just like this cute kid, many of us don’t want to show when or where things making us feel bad and sad. We think and tend to just keep the challenges and problems to ourselves thinking things will be fine and easier in the way of silence. But then showing someone that you are crying doesn’t mean you ‘re showing them your weakest side. Always remember guys we have family and true friend not just for happiness but also for bad times.

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