Latest trends in techonology
Full Details of Pacu Fish with Human Teeth (Video)
Have you ever seen fishes with human teeth? Can you dare look at them or worst eat them? Here are ...
This Box Might Be Useless But It is Actually An Amazing Invention!
The minds of people nowadays is really brilliant, who could someone imagine and design this kind of concept? It may ...
This New Invention Of Pen Could Really Make Our Work Easier,Faster And Reliable!
This invention is really amazing can you ever imagine that this pen is compatible of Mac and windows operating system ...
You Don’t Need To Exert Too Much Effort In This New Bicycle Invention!
It really looks like a scooter when you first saw it, but for our information it is an electric bike ...
Look At This Amazing Mode Of Transportation Innovations As Honda Motors Will Show You How
One of the most promising and credible automobile, motorcycle and other modes of transportation manufacturer Honda Motors will show us ...
This Two Legged Chihuahua Had a New Wheels! Respect For Whosever Made This!
This Chihuahua name is TurboRoo was born without legs in front but he is jolly and happy, but his former ...
WATCH! 500 km/hour Japan’s FASTEST train “MAGLEV TRAIN” (VIRAL VIDEO)
The first 100 passengers took the first ride on a 500 km/hour fast traveling maglev train. 500 km/hour sounds dangerous ...
Disney Characters Took a Selfie, What's Your reaction Guys?
Have you comes to your mind that what if the famous Disney characters took a selfie, is it possible? Probably ...
Beware of this Virus Spreading on Facebook!
Have you experienced to your Facebook account were chatting you some link inquiring you that you are the owner of ...
Chinese Thief Who Sent a Message from the Owner of iPhone
On Monday state media said, a thief in Chinese wrote meticulously 11 pages of telephone numbers from his taken iPhone ...